12 December 2017

News in 2011, the first quarter of medium-sized inverter SMA finally exposed. Appearance remains steady SMA German concept, the bold and fashion blue body, also highlight its concepts of close to the white home performances. This section is 8kWp~17kWp inverter, output can be connected with three-phase three-wire or three-phase four-wire 220V/60HZ grid-connect conditions. When used for 10kWp ~ 500kWp of solar power plant planning, it would makes simple design, more flexible construction, which is the great feature.


SMA Sunny Tripower products with high conversion rate of 98.1%, and the DC input voltage is more up to 1000Vdc, when combine with the existing 6” silicon or thin film module, it will simplify the complex system design. The device itself using monochrome LCD panel video, clear message display and easy identification, We plan to show it on April in Taiwan, kindly wait for our announcement.


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